Over the next few months, I’ll use this column to talk about some serious stuff that’s happening in our industry. Things that are making matters worse, when it comes to our goal of providing affordable and reliable electricity. Most of these things are coming at us from state or national political leaders, regulatory agencies, or environmental activists. They are complicated subjects with many different arguments, and even spreading it out over a few months won’t do it justice. "But it’s my job to try to communicate this to you. And it’s your job, as an owner of your electric cooperative, to be informed and involved."
American coal is not the enemy
Despite what you hear in the media, electric power generation in America is not a major cause of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Not even close. Take a look at this chart. Yet the affordability and reliability of electricity is under serious attack under the guise of reducing CO2 emissions from coal power plants.
Rolling Blackouts will become an inconceivable but real risk for consumers if the demand of electricity outpaces the available supply. There are ways to avoid this forced crisis with using fuel sources like natural gas, coal, or nuclear. However, government policy is forcing the closure of reliable and affordable power sources.