Each month, participating member's electric bills are rounded up to the next highest dollar and the extra pennies are deposited into the Midwest Electric Community Connection Fund. Then quarterly, the Community Connection Fund Board of Trustees reviews grant applications and awards funds to charitable groups and worthy individuals throughout west central Ohio.
Since October 1998, the Fund has donated more than $50,000 a year to worthy causes in local communities, including food pantries, library projects, senior citizen groups, fire departments and more. Your participation is voluntary, and you may opt-out of the Fund at any time by simply calling or writing us.
The Community Connection Fund Board of Trustees is made up of nine members. They meet quarterly on the third Tuesday of January, April, July, and October at 7:00 p.m. We have no set time for disbursements, but it’s typically two weeks after the meeting.
We have four different annual disbursements. If the application is received after the deadline, it will be held and reviewed at the next quarterly meeting. Below are the deadlines for each quarter.
- December 31
- March 31
- June 30
- September 30
PLEASE NOTE: Not more than one award per calendar year.
Completed applications and questions can be submitted via email by clicking here or contact the office at 1-800-962-3830.