Political Action
Fighting for reliable, affordable power
Help support common sense energy policy and educate our legislators about the risks to power reliability. Click HERE to print a letter template for your local legislator, and click HERE to find your local legislator's address. Mail your letter so we can stand united as a cooperative!
Read more about the threats to your electric reliability due to the current US energy policy here.
Get involved in the legislative issues impacting your cooperative! When state or federal politicians make laws affecting the electric industry, that means you will be impacted. It could mean your costs go up, it could mean power plants become more costly or difficult to build, or it could affect power reliability. But the bottom line is, you are directly affected by the energy laws created in Columbus, OH, and Washington, D.C.
That’s why we want you to be involved in our political action efforts. Recently, our member-driven political action efforts helped defeat a state proposal that would have increased our kilowatt-hour tax by $300,000. Currently, we’re faced with costly and ineffective environmental regulations that could be devastating to individual homeowners and businesses as well as our economy. Remember, we are customer-owned and not-for-profit, so our objective is to provide environmentally-responsible power at affordable prices in a reliable manner.
You can help:
1. America's Electric Cooperatives PAC (formerly ACRE Co-op Owners for Political Action)
It’s a fact, whether we like it or not, that decisions made in Washington, D.C., and at our state capitals impact how much we pay for electricity. That’s why it is so important to elect and re-elect people who understand the concerns of America’s Electric Cooperatives. Here’s where America's Electric Cooperatives PAC comes in.
America's Electric Cooperatives PAC is part of the federal political action committee (PAC) of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and is backed by more than 36,000 eligible electric cooperative employees, trustees, and member-owners, like you, across the country. It is truly a grassroots movement powered by thousands of contributors giving $2.08 a month, or about the cost of a cup of coffee.
More than 600 Midwest Electric members like you belong to this political action group. For just $2.08 per month, your contribution will support legislators and candidates who support electric cooperatives.
Contact us at 1-800-962-3830 for more information on America's Electric Cooperatives PAC or to unite with us and join the cause.
Click here to view the America's Electric Cooperatives PAC flyer which also includes an enrollment form. To join, simply complete the form and return it to our office or sign up online.
2. Write a letter to your local legislator advocating for common sense energy policy
3. Enroll in "Voices for Cooperative Power" to stay up-to-date on grassroots efforts
America’s 900 electric cooperatives have established a political action website, https://voicesforcooperativepower.com/. Visit voicesforcooperativepower.com and sign up to receive action alerts when an urgent political matter arises impacting your electric cooperative. It’s quick, simple and at no cost.
4. Get voting information from vote.coop
Find your voting place and other important information regarding elections and issues that matter to cooperatives so you're informed before you hit the polls.
Why get involved in political action?
Our ability to serve you depends on your determination to stand together with us as part of a grassroots network that sends a strong message to our elected officials on behalf of member-owned electric cooperatives.