Midwest Electric recently donated $14,975 to 20 west-central Ohio charities and community projects through the cooperative’s Community Connection Fund.
Thanks to the 90% of members who round up their electric bill and donate to this fund, Midwest Electric has provided nearly $1.4 million to local charitable causes since 1998.
The latest CCF grant recipients include:
- Mercer County D.A.R.E.: $750 to provide funds for the D.A.R.E. pizza party, t-shirts, and supplies.
- Our Home Family Resource Center: $750 to purchase school supplies.
- St. Henry Stingrays: $1,000 to purchase lane lines and timers.
- MED Foundation: $500 to purchase comfort items for the Childbirth Center.
- Family Care Options: $1,000 to upgrade the respite home.
- Erastus Church: $500 for the NeighborLink meal program.
- First United Methodist Church: $750 to purchase Operation Back to School supplies.
- Lima Symphony Orchestra: $500 to fund the Young People’s Concert.
- Children’s Hunger Alliance: $1,000 to fund the weekend meal program.
- The Delphos Canal Commission: $750 to purchase wood doors in the museum building.
- Grand Lake Area Literature Festival: $750 to purchase reading awards for students.
- JTD Foundation: $750 for the Pediatric Sensory Garden Project.
- Auglaize County ESC: $1,000 for the Turning Point Program.
- Children’s Hometown Holiday: $1,000 to fund the special Christmas holiday weekend.
- Miracle Meal: $500 to purchase items for their annual free meal.
- Auglaize County Historical Society: $500 to fund the Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibit.
- Wapakoneta Area Ministerial Association: $750 for the Servants Day project.
- New Knoxville Fire Department: $825 to purchase LED scene lights.
- Wapakoneta Police Department: $500 for the National Night Out at Harmon Park.
- Lock One Community Arts: $900 to support Lock One Community Arts.
Photos of each recipient can be found on Midwest’s Facebook page.
The Midwest Electric Community Connection Fund is a voluntary charitable program. Participating members monthly electric bills are rounded up to the next dollar, with the additional pennies deposited in the Fund. A Board of Trustees, composed of nine cooperative members and separate from the Midwest Electric Board of Trustees, oversee the application and allocation process.
Individuals or organizations can obtain an application by contacting Midwest Electric at 1-800-962-3830 or visiting midwestrec.com/community-connection-fund.